Welcome to Skynet. Today we have a wacky story about a Tesla possessed. Ben gives a long-awaited project Lotus update. Straight from Reddit: All cars are fixable. What do you think? New car paint colors available only in Georgia. This week in trivia: did a car come equipped with a porta-potty? Tune in to find out!

We welcome your questions and feedback via our website. TTAC records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

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Welcome to Skynet. Today we have a wacky story about a Tesla possessed. Ben gives a long-awaited project Lotus update. Straight from Reddit: All cars are fixable. What do you think? New car paint colors available only in Georgia. This week in trivia: did a car come equipped with a porta-potty? Tune in to find out!

We welcome your questions and feedback via our website. TTAC records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

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