This week we’re back in the studio, hanging with Paul, the Mazda Man, and manager of MazMart in Atlanta. We talk about the possible demise of Mickey’s Mazda, contemplate why Honda’s driving spirit seems to have disappeared, answer some viewer mail, and do the Grand Trivia Auto thing, as usual.

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website. TTAC records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

Support The Thing About Cars by donating to their Tip Jar:

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This week we’re back in the studio, hanging with Paul, the Mazda Man, and manager of MazMart in Atlanta. We talk about the possible demise of Mickey’s Mazda, contemplate why Honda’s driving spirit seems to have disappeared, answer some viewer mail, and do the Grand Trivia Auto thing, as usual.

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website. TTAC records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

Support The Thing About Cars by contributing to their Tip Jar:

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